It’s winter, but you wouldn’t have noticed. The summer’s air still lingers, hot, dry and unforgiving banished only by the occasional sea breeze wandering away from the bay. The sun a blemish in the sky peers shamefully through a thin film of cloud. An orange glow borders the sky where it meets the sea encompassing […]

“The Maycomb jail … it’s supporters said it gave the town good solid respectable look and no stranger would ever suspect that it was full of niggers” is an excerpt from Harper lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird illustrating the hypocrisy and inequality of the small town of Maycomb. Harper lee uses Maycomb’s bucolic and […]

Question : Andrew Niccol’s film Gattaca presents uswith a warning about the future. Its “NewEugenics” have a distinctly early 20thCentury resonance. How does Niccolconvey his warning by using visualreferences to the past? The 1997 film, Gattaca, explores the mechanics of a anti-Utopian future and in particular the life of Vincent Freeman an invalid . The […]

  The Shakespearean play ‘Macbeth’ is a ocean of inference to be explored. The use of irony, symbolism, metaphor and meter are ubiquitous in every scene. Moreover the way these language effects are manipulated can create completely different effects to further develop a scene or character.  In the case of Macbeth Shakespeare uses language effects […]

The three witches gather to discuss the where they will meet Macbeth.

A piercing white light hit my eyes as they flicked open, welcomed by a white blanc room. A long dull drone echos out from the fan in the corner that brings me to true consciousness. I was slunk upon a cold metallic chair sat in the centre of the room, Its crude frame digging into my […]

  Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William Shakespeare designed to thrill and shock the audience. This essay is to inform you on how fate is projected on the story. Fate is the development of events outside a person’s control, usually as decided by a higher power. I will be discussing 5 main […]

first act like you are ok to marry paris tomorrow sleep alone without the nurse take this vial containing a liquid, drink it while you are in bed alone the potion will make you seem like you have died your body will be taken to her familys grave then run away with tybalt

Benvolio and Mercutio discuss Tybalt’s challenge and Romeo joins in their conversation until juliet’s nurse comes to find him.

Romeo has gone to his father Friar Lawrence about juliet . Friar is wondering where romeo has been all night and suspects he’s been with rosaline but romeo says he has got over her and now likes juliet .  Friar Lawrence is now wanting to marry Romeo and juliet . Quote : “good morrow father” […]